A short list of our frequently asked questions. For more information about WeeWeeFree, or if you need support, please visit our Contact Us page.
What is WeeWeeFree?
WeeWeeFree is a restroom finder app with turn by turn direction, ratings. Additional filtering by amenities such as baby stations, special needs, and family restrooms.
Where do we cover?
Our service covers USA, Canada, UK, Brazil, China and counting.
How much is the App?
$0.00 - Available for free in Apple and Google Play Store
Enable Geolocation Services?
It searches nearest restrooms based on your geolocation in real-time.
My Account
Is it necessary to signup?
Nope, but we encourage you to join us for the following reasons:
- Rate and add restrooms
- Report restrooms
- More personalize settings
We value your privacy above all. We do NOT store your location data, and we do not share your information to third parties under any circumstances.
Can I sign up from my computer?